预算 & 金融
大都会维持着近20亿美元的年度运营预算, ensuring that our vast water system runs smoothly and that we will meet Southern California’s water demands for generations to come.
我们在供应方面进行前瞻性投资, 存储, 保护, 和治疗, 我们负责任地维护现有的基础设施. 在一起, these strategically important programs provide Metropolitan with the operational flexibility to store water when it is available and deliver it to our communities in dry years. 我们的水费, 哪些机构可收回为会员机构提供可靠供水服务的成本, are established in an open and transparent public process as part of the biennial budget.
我们采用了 两年一次的预算
在4月9日的月度会议上, 我们的董事会批准了提议的2024/25两年期预算, which strategically balances necessary rate increases with cost containment measures, 包括减少部门开支.
经过几个月的透明审议,批准了预算和费率, 包括成员机构的投入, 有关人士及公众人士. Metropolitan’s board began discussing the budget in February and has held four public workshops to consider Metropolitan’s expenditures and revenues.
View the board letter and other supporting 文档 for the adopted FYs 2024/25 - 2025/26 budget and CYs 2025 and 2026 这里的房价和收费.
Our adopted biennial budget for fiscal years 2022/23 and 2023/24 as well as the adopted 利率 and charges for the calendar years 2023 and 2024 文档 可以在这里查看.
通过的2022/23和2023/24财政年度预算拨款4美元.40亿年, 包括6亿美元的资本投资,以解决老化的基础设施, 应对干旱, 并遵守监管要求.
纯水南加州, 以前被称为区域再生水计划, 将净化后的废水进一步净化以产生新的, 为南加州提供优质水源的耐旱水源.
保护 & 本地资源
大都会已经开发了5个以上.5 million acre-feet of 存储 capacity – a 13 times increase in capacity since 1990.
大都会有一个持续的, dynamic effort to ensure the strongest possible future for Metropolitan by tapping the best talent, 培训员工, 培养未来的领导者.
预算,利率 & 指控
为都市, a stable financial strategy is essential to managing imported water supplies and its local programs to provide its wholesale water service to its 26 member agencies, 它们为1900万人提供服务,支撑着该州一半的经济. 大都会通过两年预算. 我们的预算, 利率, and charges reflect a careful balance between generating revenues in a fair manner to invest in the region's water future and managing 利率 through steady, 反映服务成本的适度增长.
Metropolitan sets its water 利率 every other year to recover the cost of providing water service to its customers in an open and transparent public process, 与两年期预算审查程序同时进行. 我们的主要收入来源是水的销售, which includes all revenues received by Metropolitan from charges for the sale and availability of water, 包括我们的水费, readiness-to-serve指控, 容量收费和轮转/交换交易. 现行价格体系, 其中列出了与供水有关的各种成本, 成立于2003年.
1月1日生效st | 2024 | 2025 |
2026 |
供应率* | $290 | $313 | |
一级供应费率($/AF)* | $332 | - | - |
第二级供应费率($/AF)* | $531 | - | - |
系统存取率($/AF) | $389 | $463 | $492 |
系统功率($/AF) |
$182 | $159 | $179 |
全服务未处理容量成本($/AF)* | $912 | $984 | |
一级 |
$903 | - | - |
层2 | $1,102 | - | - |
治疗附加费($/AF) | $353 | $483 | $544 |
全服务处理体积成本($/AF)* | $1,395 | $1,528 | |
一级 |
$1,256 | - | - |
层2 | $1,455 | - | - |
准备服务收费(百万元) | $167 | $181 | $188 |
容量费($/cfs) | $11,200 |
$13,000 |
$14,500 |
* 11月. 14, 2023, 在FAIRP会议上, 188bet棋牌平台人员向董事会提交了2014年采购订单的状态, 将在12月11日结束. 31, 2024. The adopted FY 2024/25 and FY 2025/26 两年一次的预算 does not assume that the purchase order contracts will be renewed. 结果是, the 层2 rate is not included in the proposed 利率 and charges for CYs 2025 and 2026; there is only a single supply rate. Metropolitan will revisit the purchase order commitments and similar structures as needed during the business model review through the CAMP4W process.
基础材料 - Metropolitan has received requests in the past for data and other material used to generate or supporting Metropolitan's proposed 利率 and charges. 大都会为当前的预算提供了这些信息, 利率, and charges for public review below (with proprietary formulas/code and employee-specific information removed).
The proposed biennial budget for fiscal years 2024/25 and 2025/26 and the proposed 利率 and charges for calendar years 2025 and 2026 are based on and supported by the information found in this section, 以及通过以下选项卡提供的更广泛的信息:
The adopted biennial budget for fiscal years 2022/23 and 2023/24 and the adopted 利率 and charges for calendar years 2023 and 2024 are based on and supported by the information found in this section, 以及更广泛的信息
关于MWD法案第124条适用性的拟议决定.5 .税限信息支持 在这里找到.
财务报告和文件可以是 在这里找到.
投资者 关系
Issuing bonds helps to fund critical infrastructure investments that the regional economy depends on. 其中包括对一个地区循环水项目的投资, 水质改善和清洁能源升级. Metropolitan is committed to maintaining our strong bond ratings and adheres to a policy of transparency with our investor community and general public.
Katano Kasaine
(213) 217-7121
(213) 217-7121
Samuel L. 内衣裤
库务经理 & 债务管理
(213) 217-7863
注意: All information contained in the 金融 Information pages is obtained from sources believed to be accurate and reliable. 本网站提供的所有信息都是准确可靠的, it is prepared without audit unless otherwise identified as audited financial information. 由于可能存在人为或机械错误等因素, this information is provided as is without warranty of any kind and MWD makes no representation, 明示或暗示, 至于准确性, 可靠性, 此信息的完整性或及时性, and is not responsible for any loss or damage incurred by any party using this information. The information contained at this website has been included for general informational purposes only and no person should make any investment decision in reliance upon the information contained herein. This website and the information contained herein do not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities.
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